Thank you to the club for inviting me to judge this lovely show. The weather stayed kind and the breeze served to keep the dogs cool. I appreciate the number of people who entered under me and brought along some really nice dogs.
Whereas there were some nicely made hounds, I was disappointed that few possessed very important breed points in my opinion. Front assembly really needs to be sorted out, and although hind structure was certainly better than fronts, very few were balanced. Most has sufficient hind angulation but often without width of thigh and breadth of hip, leaving many moving far too close behind.
Puppy Dog (5,1)
1st - Ollandsheart Abraham. BPIS
The youngest here but all male, of good size and moved soundly with good width going away. One of the few who has good angulation fore and aft with good return.
Well knuckled feet and neat ears. Curvy topline. Not fond of a ring tail but I considered it a minor fault when everything else was so promising.
2nd - Packway The Archer by Sireadh - Wilkinson
Big strong boy who was very raw and will take some time. Well bodied with a soft dark eye. Good front assembly with nice layback and return. Little close behind as yet but he has a lot of frame to fill. Very promising.
3rd - Kilbourne Kane - Peach
Junior Dog (2,2)
Special Beginner Dog (2,0)
1st - Hoddingrey Peregrine - Taylor
Pleasing male of medium size. All in proportion. Lovely rough coat. Good shoulders well laid. Movement okay but a little light in eye.
Special Yearling Dog (2,0)
1st - Beardswood Torran - Helps
Well balanced and of nice size. Masculine with good flat bone. Curvy and with correct topline but moved a little close behind.
2nd - Hyndsight Skirl - Wilce-Quinton & Quinton
A bigger dog but a little flat in topline. A tad straight in front assembly but good width of hip. Could move away a little more positively.
Under Graduate Dog (1,0)
1st - Hyndsight Skirl
Post Graduate Dog (3,2)
1st - Kilbourne Tyne - Peach. RBD
Medium sized with enough bone. Nice in profile movement covering the ground with ease. Unfortunately he flattens and drops in topline on the move. Needs to deepen and fill in brisket. Lighter in eye.
Open Dog (5,2)
1st - Hyndsight Colt - Finnett & Heathcote. BD & BIS
Masculine with a quality head and dark eye. Well bodied with a rough coat. Well balanced with very good front and good fill of brisket. Strong neck of correct length. Elbows well under. Ribs carried well back. Strong deep loin and well let down hocks. Has an old injury behind, which although a little unsightly does not affect his soundness. Long and broad in croup.
2nd - Beardswood Strahan at Peopleton - Francis, Blatchford & Helps.
Handsome male of racier type. Good coat. Masculine head. Short hocks. Nice in profile but close going away and a little flat in topline.
3rd - Packway Comanche Moon - Lucas & Dargonne.
Veteran Dog (1,0)
1st - Glenmorlich Hold The Dream - Buswell
Lovely head with kind expression and dark eye. Strong loin, neat ears. In great condition but a little close coming and going. Well handled.
Puppy Bitch (5,1)
1st - Ollandsheart Nancy
Very raw body of good size and plenty of flat bone. Good front assembly with deep brisket on one so young. Good coat. Clean head with dark eye. Nice fall away. A bit erratic and not co-operating with handler, but very promising.
2nd - Packway Little Loxley - Lucas & Dargronne.
Smaller and finer boned, but well proportioned. Beautiful head with dark eye and lovely expression. Moving a bit close behind and not as curvy as 1st.
3rd - Kilbourne Kiltie - Peach
Junior Bitch (2,0)
1st - Blixen Star to Kilbourne - Peach.
Balanced, feminine bitch who moved well in profile with plenty of reach. Nice well let down hocks but just a little narrow all through and could be curvier. Would like a darker eye.
2nd - Regalflight Joli - Bond.
Very raw. Nice head with dark eye and kind expression. Nice front assembly. Feet a bit flat and nails need attention. Needs to settle more on the move.
Special Beginner Bitch (3,1)
1st - Saint Valenene Lily - Taylor.
Lovely feminine head with darker eye than 2nd. A little better balanced with okay front and topline. Good in brisket and pleasing underline.
2nd - Greyflax Perfect Day - Woolf
Another pretty girl but with a lighter eye. Little straighter in front assembly than 1.
Special Yearling Bitch (3,2)
1st - Stranwith Neve - Barret.
Very pretty and feminine. Good in coat, croup and feet. A little upright in front with plenty of rear angulation, so balance a little out. Lacking in confidence so unfortunately movement was a bit erratic today.
Under Graduate Bitch (3,2)
1st Neroche Juno - Wragg.
Lovely head and expression. Not the biggest but well proportioned. A little flat in topline and short in croup. Good front with elbows well under. Good movement coming but a little loose going.
Post Graduate Bitch (6,1)
1st - Hyndsight Magic In The Night - Finnett & Heathcote. BB & RBIS.
On the smaller end of the standard but all in proportion. A series of curves from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail. Sweeping underline to match. Correct and balanced angulation with width of thigh. Lovely width of croup and fallaway. Moved holding her topline all the way.
2nd - Neroche Jeska - Wragg.
Very similar remarks as her sister (1st U.G.B.). Not as positive on the move as 1st and topline a little flat.
3rd - Cassacre Aelfrida of Ghiltan - Seymour-Jackson.
Open Bitch (7,2)
1st - Shagiead Miss Bridges - Spence. RBB.
A balanced, feminine bitch of good proportions. Great width of hip. Good top and underlines held well moving. Good feet. Close call for BB.
2nd - Kilbourne Unity - Peach.
Nice bitch with good balance, Lovely profile movement. Front a little straight all through and upright in pastern.
3rd - Ardlancien Eiryn To Balgaled - Aston.
Veteran Bitch (4,0)
1st - Glenmorlich None So Pretty for Packway - Lucas & Dorgonne. BVIS.
Pretty and good proportions. Held her curves well on the move. Moved well in profile. Easy with long stride. Well knuckled feet.
2nd - Pharcourse Jaz - Paisey.
Similar type to 1. Just preferred the front assembly of 1st. Lovely short hocks. Again, good profile movement. Just a little close coming and going.
3rd - Wolfcastle Erlid to Luckhurst - Lewis. Alison Morton |